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    Message from Christoph Bergmann on 4/26 2003, 15:44 +01:00

    Re: Previously submitted question; another problem

      > Can I leave the first one in? Tell me what I need to do--I am not sure what you mean by "baseportal databsase--" when I created these documents, I chose the "page" option, not the "database" option.

      Well, the purpose of this service is to create and maintain easily web databases - thats what its all about ;-) Its not really just a free web page service... I have no problem when you *don't* use the database (but you miss something ,-) ), but when you want to add something to the user directory it has to be a page with a web datapage on it - thats what the directory is for ;-)

      Have you tried the Easy Start?

      There you could see what baseportal (this service here) is for ;-)

      > Is there any way to highlight my URL and e-mail address in My written introduction? That is, blue, so that pewople can connect to them directly by clicking on them? Usually, when I type my URL and e-mail address, and then right click, it automatically turns the print blue. This does not seem to work here.

      Oops, that sounds difficult, because it seems like you use a special editor or browser (AOL?). Do you?

      > How do you make a bulleted list? Bullets seem to show up either as h's or as little squares. Is there an html symbol for bullet?

      Yes, i.g.



      PS: Sorry, but I have to delete your entries from the directory again. There has to a database on your page. ;-)

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    Message from Stephanie_Tate on 4/25 2003, 09:24 -08:00
    EMail: WWW:

    Error; help me fix, please!

      I submitted a new category, "Medical Legal Services" under "Health..."

      Name of my firm is Paradigm Legal Nurse Consulting.

      Why does my message display a red "error?"

      I copied and pasted the database as instructed.

      Also, why is it all one paragraph?

      Do I have to put <p> to create paragraphs, even though I sam not using other HTML code? Can you help me correct it?

      Thank you!
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    Message from Stephanie Tate on 4/25 2003, 10:54 -08:00
    EMail: WWW:

    Re: Previously submitted question; another problem

      I fixed the problem I referred to in my previous question by correcting the html and resubmitting.

      However, I am unable to delete the erroneous submissions. Is there a way to delete them at my end, so that I don't have 4 listings under health; 3 of them with errors?

      Could you possibly delete all but the top "Paradigm Legal Nurse Consulting" submission? Thank you.
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    Message from Christoph Bergmann on 4/26 2003, 01:45 +01:00

    Re: Previously submitted question; another problem

      Hi Stephanie...

      I deleted all your entries because I didn't found any baseportal databases on it - the link you provide at "Database" should contain the URL to the database you've created with baseportal... ;-)
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    Message from Stephanie Tate on 4/25 2003, 20:06 -08:00
    EMail: WWW:

    Re: Previously submitted question; another problem

      I saw that you had deleted them all. I created 2, one with errors (I inserted <p> for paragraph breaks and it is visible.

      Can I leave the first one in? Tell me what I need to do--I am not sure what you mean by "baseportal databsase--" when I created these documents, I chose the "page" option, not the "database" option.

      If you give me instructions, I will follow them to the T.

      I have a difficult time seeing the templates on baseportal; is there any way to enlarge them?

      2 more questions:

      Is there any way to highlight my URL and e-mail address in My written introduction? That is, blue, so that pewople can connect to them directly by clicking on them? Usually, when I type my URL and e-mail address, and then right click, it automatically turns the print blue. This does not seem to work here.

      How do you make a bulleted list? Bullets seem to show up either as h's or as little squares. Is there an html symbol for bullet?

      Thank you, Chris, for your help.
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    Message from Christoph Bergmann on 4/26 2003, 15:44 +01:00

    Re: Previously submitted question; another problem

      > Can I leave the first one in? Tell me what I need to do--I am not sure what you mean by "baseportal databsase--" when I created these documents, I chose the "page" option, not the "database" option.

      Well, the purpose of this service is to create and maintain easily web databases - thats what its all about ;-) Its not really just a free web page service... I have no problem when you *don't* use the database (but you miss something ,-) ), but when you want to add something to the user directory it has to be a page with a web datapage on it - thats what the directory is for ;-)

      Have you tried the Easy Start?

      There you could see what baseportal (this service here) is for ;-)

      > Is there any way to highlight my URL and e-mail address in My written introduction? That is, blue, so that pewople can connect to them directly by clicking on them? Usually, when I type my URL and e-mail address, and then right click, it automatically turns the print blue. This does not seem to work here.

      Oops, that sounds difficult, because it seems like you use a special editor or browser (AOL?). Do you?

      > How do you make a bulleted list? Bullets seem to show up either as h's or as little squares. Is there an html symbol for bullet?

      Yes, i.g.



      PS: Sorry, but I have to delete your entries from the directory again. There has to a database on your page. ;-)

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