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    Message from Christoph Bergmann on 4/26 2003, 01:38 +01:00

    Re: problems

      I'm not sure I understand you... You mean the rights settings for your database changes randomically without you doing anything?? This is hard to believe: The software is well tested and I have never heard of sth. like this.

      I've seen that you registered 4 different accounts - for every database 1 account. Thats no problem if you like to do this, but you could have it easier: You can create as many databases under *one* account as you like! You just have to give them different names... ;-)

      Maybe this causes the problem you reported: You mixed up the different accounts?

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 All messages from this thread: To the list 
    Message from Sid on 4/25 2003, 05:44 +00:00
    EMail: WWW:


      i inserted baseportal on one of my webpage:
      this database is for visitors to add in their information and not being able to read information. but i realised that they are able to read my databse info. the management settings are changed automatically every now and then. so i wont know when it is changed and visitors can gain access to it. pls help me on this ... and when i changed to add data only, the form wont be shown on the webpage.
      my user id is sredulinkreg
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    Message from Christoph Bergmann on 4/26 2003, 01:38 +01:00

    Re: problems

      I'm not sure I understand you... You mean the rights settings for your database changes randomically without you doing anything?? This is hard to believe: The software is well tested and I have never heard of sth. like this.

      I've seen that you registered 4 different accounts - for every database 1 account. Thats no problem if you like to do this, but you could have it easier: You can create as many databases under *one* account as you like! You just have to give them different names... ;-)

      Maybe this causes the problem you reported: You mixed up the different accounts?

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