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    Message from Abey John on 9/12 2002, 09:04 +00:00

    Who owns baseportal?

      I've just done an initial browse through baseportal and it looks definitely the kind of stuff I am looking for to manage my sales program.

      Issues I have is -
      1. Who owns the software?
      2. What's the commitment of the company to support this site? I mean it shouldn't disappear on me all of a sudden :).
      3. When will the rent/license version be available in English? What sort of hosting requirements (db support, server side scripts etc) will I have when I deploy it on my webhost.
      4. Suppose I wish to move out of baseportal after a while what happends to my data? Will I get an export file? Do you have any data import facility?
      5. Finally, there's no such thing as a free lunch. Who's paying for it? I assume this is currently on trial and hence available free.

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    Message from Christoph Bergmann on 9/12 2002, 19:02 +00:00

    Re: FTP Upload?

      No, not right now... But you can import/export data easily via the browser.
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