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 Selected message: To the list 
    Message from Christoph Bergmann on 1/5 2003, 13:38 +01:00

    Re: Cost to use BasePortal

      Right now we don't put ads on the pages and it will take months before we will do this. When its time the rent versions without ads with the lowest terms will probably cost something about $5, maby $10 per month... In the near future we will offer 2 versions to buy which will cost $298 (standard) and $1198 (professional).

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 All messages from this thread: To the list 
    Message from Bernard S Giloni on 12/25 2002, 15:21 -07:00
    EMail: WWW:

    Cost to use BasePortal

      I'm interested in using BasePortal on a number of my sites but definitely don't want any ads. What is the cost without the ads?
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    Message from Christoph Bergmann on 1/5 2003, 13:38 +01:00

    Re: Cost to use BasePortal

      Right now we don't put ads on the pages and it will take months before we will do this. When its time the rent versions without ads with the lowest terms will probably cost something about $5, maby $10 per month... In the near future we will offer 2 versions to buy which will cost $298 (standard) and $1198 (professional).

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