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    Message from Christoph Bergmann on 12/20 2002, 16:30 +00:00

    Re: "database applet" "functionality" :)

      Yes, you should never say "database applet" to a german except if you want to insult him ;-))

      > If the database is the "server" and the presentation layer is the "browser client", it works to a limited extent. I haven't figured out how to call the "do action" statement "yet"...:)

      What limits do you mean? ,-)

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    Message from Jon Mick on 12/11 2002, 08:25 -05:00

    Can you call Database as a component like JavaScript or VBScript?

      I created a newsfeed app that emulates services like's newfeed. But I want to place the "database" in a column on a page on my domain.

      Can the database code be called from a remote URL?


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    Message from Christoph Bergmann on 12/11 2002, 20:13 +01:00

    Re: Can you call Database as a component like JavaScript or VBScript?

      You could view it from the opposite side: Put the complete HTML code from your page to and insert the database output there. Then link from your home page (or whereever you want to link from) to your page at baseportal...

      Thats the "normal way" you should do it ,-)
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    Message from Jon Mick on 12/11 2002, 21:50 +00:00

    Re: Can you call Database as a component like JavaScript or VBScript?


      As I "suspected" :). BasePortal is a great service/app but the mass appeal would be "componentized" like an

      Are there plans in future for subscription based Base Portal "database applet"? That can be called remotely?

      The real problem is the URL Address bar... People don't feel secure if they are being "bounced" around to different domains. Its looks sloppy too.

      Just my opinion... But I love Base Portal! :)


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    Message from Christoph Bergmann on 12/17 2002, 14:24 +01:00

    Re: Can you call Database as a component like JavaScript or VBScript?

      No, we don't plan to do something like a "database applet" - baseportal is a server-side thing, not a client-side ;-) (Ok, maybe some day this distinction vanishes... ;-) ) Anyway there are possibilities to seamlessly include the baseportal templates in your pages (you have the complete control of the output), i.g. with javascript or PHP...

      The real solution should be to rent (which means: baseportal acts like a hosting service) or buy baseportal (so you can run it on your own server). This is already possible in the german version but we need to establish a way to charge international customers...
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    Message from Jon Mick on 12/19 2002, 03:04 +00:00

    "database applet" "functionality" :)

      Is the "database applet" phrase offensive in German? :)

      Well I was fooling around with some of the code... It does work on a limited level especially when "cached" from baseportal.

      If the database is the "server" and the presentation layer is the "browser client", it works to a limited extent. I haven't figured out how to call the "do action" statement "yet"...:)

      I was just wondering how you plan to position baseportal. I get it now.

      Server application - subscription.


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    Message from Christoph Bergmann on 12/20 2002, 16:30 +00:00

    Re: "database applet" "functionality" :)

      Yes, you should never say "database applet" to a german except if you want to insult him ;-))

      > If the database is the "server" and the presentation layer is the "browser client", it works to a limited extent. I haven't figured out how to call the "do action" statement "yet"...:)

      What limits do you mean? ,-)

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    Message from Jon Mick on 12/20 2002, 18:45 +00:00

    Re: "database applet" "functionality" :)

      I'll have to remember that... You learn something new everyday :)

      Well I'll keep it to myself for now... I don't want to ruin your subscription pricing model :)

      If you look at the Newsfeed app on iRobotWorld by my alter ego, you'll have an idea :)


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