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 Selected message: To the list 
    Message from Christoph Bergmann on 12/4 2002, 14:04 +01:00

    Re: template problems

      > When it says to rename all the links to absoutes what exactly does it mean ?

      It means when you use an existing HTML page and it has links in it like

      <a href="home.html">...</a>


      <a href="/chapter4/abc.html">...</a>

      they won't work in a baseportal template, because the template comes from the baseportal server and your links are on your own server. You have to change the links to the "absolute" form (like in the "Location" of your Browser, starting with "http://..."):

      <a href="">...</a>


      <a href="">...</a>

      > Also if i want to change the way it is output ( i.e writing , tables etc ) will I need to create my own form ?

      You can change a lot with parameters in the <do action=all ...> tag, that a look here:

      Hope that helps ;-)

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 All messages from this thread: To the list 
    Message from ferg on 12/3 2002, 03:21 +00:00

    template problems

      When it says to rename all the links to absoutes what exactly does it mean ?

      Also if i want to change the way it is output ( i.e writing , tables etc ) will I need to create my own form ?


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    Message from Christoph Bergmann on 12/4 2002, 14:04 +01:00

    Re: template problems

      > When it says to rename all the links to absoutes what exactly does it mean ?

      It means when you use an existing HTML page and it has links in it like

      <a href="home.html">...</a>


      <a href="/chapter4/abc.html">...</a>

      they won't work in a baseportal template, because the template comes from the baseportal server and your links are on your own server. You have to change the links to the "absolute" form (like in the "Location" of your Browser, starting with "http://..."):

      <a href="">...</a>


      <a href="">...</a>

      > Also if i want to change the way it is output ( i.e writing , tables etc ) will I need to create my own form ?

      You can change a lot with parameters in the <do action=all ...> tag, that a look here:

      Hope that helps ;-)

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