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    Message from Maurice on 11/24 2002, 17:16 +00:00
    EMail: WWW:


      Dear everyone,
      I have a main database. This is my contacts database. I am trying to get a second database to relate to the main database. I need all the different databases to pull info from the main "contacts" database.
      In the second datadase, I put "relation". I am asked for "position" which I leave as "new", Feild name which I call say "agent", database, where I choose "main". Finally, the box asks for "key field". I have entered both the position in the main database & the title in the main database but neither works. I get the following error message. I am totally new to this. If someone could tell me what I am doing wrong, it would be great..
      Thanks & best regards,
      Error: Field Name not defined in database /ward/main
      Reason: The field is not defined in the database. Maybe you have just mistyped the query?

      Solutions: 1. Correct your query. 2. Log into your private domain, choose the appropriate database, click on 'Fields' and add the desired field. ]

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    Message from Jon Mick on 11/27 2002, 22:50 -05:00

    Deposit Only and Display Approved Records App

      I'm looking to create a "deposit form" on BasePortal and display only "approved" records.

      Anyone have thoughts how to do this? Is there a template?

      My thoughts...

      1) You would need to a database with user create rights...

      2) How do you create an administration review app?

      3) Relation Field or Perl?
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    Message from Christian (cvogeley) on 11/28 2002, 20:47 +00:00

    Re: Deposit Only and Display Approved Records App

      Hello Jon,
      the easiest way to achieve that is to define another checkbox field called letīs say "Active". Then you can select only the records where the field equals 1 (the checkbox is set):
      An expression like this will do so:

      <do action=all formfields=-Active Active==1>

      "formfields=-Active" prevents the field "Active" from being displayed in the input form.
      "Action ==1" reduces the displayed records to those where the Active fields have been activated.
      You can activate the records in your normal administration area.
      Of course you must allow people to add new records.
      I hope I could help you.
      Greetings Christian

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