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    Message from Andreas Stoermer on 9/11 2002, 17:31 +00:00

    Re: If you got any questions: Feel free to ask!! ;-)

      I found because I mistyped the URL.
      The is an OpenSource Project hosted at Sourceforge called baseportal. Anything to do with that ?
      So i tried a little bit with baseportal and I think its a very nice project.
      Is there a possibility to get it like an opensource framework an host it inhouse of our company.
      Could be a good and fast startup for small intranet projekts.

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    Message from Andreas Stoermer on 9/11 2002, 17:31 +00:00

    Re: If you got any questions: Feel free to ask!! ;-)

      I found because I mistyped the URL.
      The is an OpenSource Project hosted at Sourceforge called baseportal. Anything to do with that ?
      So i tried a little bit with baseportal and I think its a very nice project.
      Is there a possibility to get it like an opensource framework an host it inhouse of our company.
      Could be a good and fast startup for small intranet projekts.

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    Message from Christoph Bergmann on 9/12 2002, 00:50 +00:00

    Re: sourceforge...

      Oops, I havent heard about an open source project called "baseportal" yet - I searched Sourceforge about it but I didnt found anything - are you sure its called exactly like this?

      Anyway, baseportal is not open source, its a "classic" software - in the near future it will be possible to rent or buy a license... this is already possible with the german version:

      Have fun ;-)
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    Message from sheila02 on 10/15 2002, 10:17 +00:00

    Re: If you got any questions: Feel free to ask!! ;-)

      hi, i'm kinda confused! i found baseportal because i erace all the cookie thing's on aol, and i don't understand,i'm really not computer lit, so can you help me understand what i'm doing here?
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    Message from felechia on 10/19 2002, 10:19 +00:00

    Re: If you got any questions: Feel free to ask!! ;-)

      i have alot read them of list i nee a buddy o walk me threw my setup of my online bussiness.well im a affilate,and i cant make money because i no nothing abought addresses are web are email ist if you whant to chat i can be im threw spoiledlibratt@aol thank thank yuo for you precius time
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    Message from omar on 5/26 2003, 22:54 +00:00

    How can i Assign a Auto Number to a field

      How can I assing a Auto Number, were each record will have a unique ID
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