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    Message from Larry Lynn on 10/21 2002, 18:19 +00:00
    EMail: WWW:

    Products I can purchase

      I emailed you last week and we did not hear back from anyone
      Can someone email us back with a phone number or better email address to contact you?
      I am also interested in wether the Purchase product has an option to email when a database is created

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    Name: EMail: WWW:

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 All messages from this thread: To the list 
    Message from Larry Lynn on 10/21 2002, 21:09 +00:00
    EMail: WWW:

    Products I can purchase

      I emailed you last week and we did not hear back from anyone
      Can someone email us back with a phone number or better email address to contact you?
      I am also interested in wether the Purchase product has an option to email when a database is created
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    Message from Christoph Bergmann on 10/21 2002, 22:21 +00:00

    Re: Products I can purchase

      Sorry, I have answered your email right now.

      The purchase product will have the option to send an email when an entry is added, modified or deleted. Do you really want the option to send an email when a whole _database_ is created?
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