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    Message from Randy M. on 12/4 2003, 19:26 +00:00

    Re: import data

      DO NOT USE "Create undefined fields: " deselect that check box...also u will have to manually set up data base fields... other wise all data goes into first field

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    Message from J Reilly on 12/3 2003, 14:25 -05:00

    import data

      Going crazy here... trying to import a csv file, leaving the default settings as directed - all data is going into the first field of each record. Noticed that the seperator is ; and not , - cleared all my data, changed the seperator to a comma and ran the import again (several times) and no data is being brought in.

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    Message from Randy M. on 12/4 2003, 19:26 +00:00

    Re: import data

      DO NOT USE "Create undefined fields: " deselect that check box...also u will have to manually set up data base fields... other wise all data goes into first field

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    Message from Mini on 12/15 2003, 18:45 +00:00

    Re: import data

      Thank You I will use the import data
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