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    Message from kerry on 11/26 2003, 23:41 +00:00

    Re: seeking

      what i want to know is how did it start. what is it. is it a normal part of the network unused but can be used. or is it somthing that works on the net added.
      does the net in other words have this built in reaDY to program. and is this why its a web site database.
      i know the programing is perl. but what is perl using to exist. i mean. perl is the car. what is the road.

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 All messages from this thread: To the list 
    Message from seeking on 11/26 2003, 01:40 +00:00


      where can i find out more about base portal
      other thn what this site tells me
      like (more)
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    Message from Christoph Bergmann on 11/26 2003, 19:31 +01:00

    Re: seeking

      What do you want to know? Did you made the "Easy Start", the FAQ or the documentation?
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    Message from kerry on 11/26 2003, 23:41 +00:00

    Re: seeking

      what i want to know is how did it start. what is it. is it a normal part of the network unused but can be used. or is it somthing that works on the net added.
      does the net in other words have this built in reaDY to program. and is this why its a web site database.
      i know the programing is perl. but what is perl using to exist. i mean. perl is the car. what is the road.

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    Message from Christoph Bergmann on 11/27 2003, 02:07 +01:00

    Re: seeking

      Well, I would say perl is the engine and baseportal is the car... You are the driver and you can drive anywhere you like... baseportal helps you to get there... ;-)
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