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    Message from xagc on 9/28 2003, 22:38 +00:00

    Christoph, where are you?

      Where's Christoph these days? We have lots of questions but seems there isn't an expert available to help.

      We miss you!

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    Message from Greig on 9/30 2003, 14:34 +00:00


      What i am looking for as help is i looked at the library on how to have a password restricted database so i copyied the library html in to the data base but when i change or add fields to the data base it no longer works also there seems to be no restriction on ppl having the same password and it seems to show thier pass word when you do a search ok so what i need to know is how do i make a system where they have to sign in ass well as give details into the database and then when they are displayed they dont see everyones password and if they need to modifiy thier details they would have to give a password also how would you go about setting up a system where they can jion but if they wanted to email each other you could charge a minimal fee any help on any of this would be most helpfulk as i am stuck skint and looking to have my web site up and running within a couple of weeks plz help i am clueless on how to program even after looking at the induction page so make your awnswers as simple as possible cheers.

      P.S sorry for the long message but i really need some help
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    Message from Christoph Bergmann on 9/30 2003, 15:48 +01:00

    Re: PASSWORDS AND DATABASE help plz!!!

      Can you pls post:

       - the HTML code of your page

       - a link to the page, so we can look at...

      Btw: There is no problem with long postings (as long as they make sense ;-) )
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