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    Message from Matt AG on 9/13 2003, 20:24 +00:00

    Outputting one field with commas, not Returns

      How can you structure a template or URL so that you can get a simple list of field data for a single field? For example, in my address database, I want to extract just the E-Mail address field for each record in the db, with a comma separating each one, not a carriage return and table tags. This way they can be copy and pasted directly into an email program.

      Also, I can get my template to spit out just a list of email addresses, but how do you get them to sort so that all the blank fields are at the end? I tried sort=<Committee,E-Mail>, but it doesn't work


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    Message from Kelly on 9/13 2003, 22:07 -06:00
    EMail: WWW:

    Modifying existing database fields using an HTML form

      I successfully used your method in the documentation section to "add" an entry to the database from an external form. I want to modify existing field entries, not add new ones. How do I use "submit" in HTML to post data to my template so I can use it to modify the database?
      ******I used this format to "add"******

      <form action="/baseportal/YourName/Directory/Template" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
      <input type="hidden"name="cmd="value="add">
      <input type="hidden"name="htx=" value="/YourName/Directory/Template">

      <do action=input>

      ******What should I change to "modify"*******


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    Message from merryn on 9/14 2003, 14:51 +10:00

    Re: Modifying existing database fields using an HTML form


      from what I can understand from the documentation, you need to replace "add" with "mod"


      <form action="/baseportal/YourName/Directory/Template" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
      <input type="hidden"name="cmd="value="mod">
      <input type="hidden"name="htx=" value="/YourName/Directory/Template">

      <do action=input>

      If you get it working, let me know as I can't seem to and am desparately trying to do the same thing.

      I also want to only change one value and be able to ask the user to confirm before sending it to the db.

      Hope you have better success than me..

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    Message from Kelly on 9/15 2003, 03:32 +00:00
    EMail: WWW:

    Re: Modifying existing database fields using an HTML form

      I noticed your post and thought we needed the same thing. I had already tried to substitute "mod" for "add" but it doesn't work. I get an error message (in German, I think) so I'm not quite sure what it's telling me but no values get written in the database.
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