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    Message from Kelly on 8/13 2003, 20:19 -06:00
    EMail: WWW:

    skip a field

      Hi -- my database allows friends to enter their children's names and birthdays. I currently use 6 fields -- 3 text fields for entering Child's name, 3 -- date fields for entering Child's Birthdate. Problem is that not all my friends have the same number of children. If there is only a child's name in one field, can I only ask for that Child's Birthday and skip the other two birthday fields? Or Is there a way to either 1) enter "no data" in the date , or 2) leave the field blank?

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    Message from edo on 8/14 2003, 13:11 +07:00
    EMail: WWW: //

    Restrict MODIFY/DELETE

      If I already checked the Modify/Delete within the Database, but I want to restrict that in the form, what is the parameters in 'Do Action=All ....' ???
      Modify=no ??? or ??
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    Message from Sander on 8/14 2003, 15:59 +00:00

    Re: Restrict MODIFY/DELETE

      try listfields=-Action,allfields=-Action

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    Message from edo on 8/15 2003, 13:14 +07:00
    EMail: WWW: //

    Re: Restrict MODIFY/DELETE

      Not work... but its okay for other field such as "Id" etc.

      If we checked "Modify/Add" in the database, then Action field appear in "Do action=all listtype=list" even though I have tried to add "listfields=-Action allfields=-Action"

      How ? I still hope the solution if any..
      Thank you

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    Message from Sander on 8/15 2003, 12:57 +00:00

    Re: Restrict MODIFY/DELETE

      ok, i tried it. you have to use the german translation for Action => Aktion

      in your case:

      <do action=all listtype=list listfields=-Aktion allfields=-Aktion>

      the - follows the name of all fields you doesn't like in list (listfields) or detail (allfields)

      <do action=all listtype=list listfields=-Aktion,Id allfields=-Aktion,Id> hides the fields Action and Id.


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    Message from Poul Tang on 9/4 2003, 21:05 +00:00
    EMail: WWW:

    Re: Restrict MODIFY/DELETE

      I would like to have the opportunity to let respondents

      MODIFY the information in the database

      BUT NOT


      Can I do anything to just let the option MODIFY stand

      Of course I know they can acces and delete line by line, but for newcomers it is so easy to delete that it can accidentially happen.

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    Message from Sander on 9/5 2003, 00:17 +00:00

    Re: Restrict MODIFY/DELETE


      if($cmd eq "del"){
      out "forbidden";

      <do action....>

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