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    Message from Sander on 3/18 2013, 11:19 +00:00
    EMail: WWW:

    Re: Purchasing Base Portal

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    Message from Keiron on 3/15 2013, 09:53 +00:00
    EMail: WWW:

    Purchasing Base Portal

      When I look at the documentation about purchasing Base Portal for my own server I get this error:

      The requested URL /bpliz_doku.html was not found on this server.

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    Message from Keiron on 8/10 2013, 14:18 +00:00
    EMail: WWW:

    Re: Purchasing Base Portal

      Hi I made an enquiry a while ago about purchasing the stand alone version of baseportal fro deployment on my server.

      Since then Paypal has refused to transfer my subscription to you - they say it is because of internal security problems! So they cancelled my subscription. This hastens the need for me to find a long term solution. I have spoken to my hosting company and showed them the requirements for baseportal that you showed me. This is their response:

      The server on which your domain is hosted is having following settings:
      Perl Version:
      perl -v
      This is perl, v5.10.1 (*) built for x86_64-linux-thread-multi
      Apache Version:
      root@wakefield [~]# httpd -v
      Server version: Apache/2.2.22 (Unix)
      PHP Version:
      root@wakefield [~]# php -v
      PHP 5.3.13 (cli) (built: Jun 4 2012 21:07:42)
      Copyright (c) 1997-2012 The PHP Group
      Zend Engine v2.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2012 Zend Technologies
      with the ionCube PHP Loader v4.0.12, Copyright (c) 2002-2011, by ionCube Ltd., and
      with Zend Guard Loader v3.3, Copyright (c) 1998-2010, by Zend Technologies
      with Suhosin v0.9.33, Copyright (c) 2007-2012, by SektionEins GmbH
      ImageMagick: Enabled
      CGI Bin Access: enabled
      "Sendmail": Enabled
      ZIP: Enabled
      UNZIP: enabled
      Also check the below PHP info URL of the server:
      Above are the settings of the server and enabled module, please confirm it with the vendor and proceed further with needful.

      Could you check to see if this is ok? Could you also give me an up to date cost for baseportal.
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