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    Message from Abby on 8/1 2003, 14:41 -05:00
    EMail: WWW:

    Hidden Fields

      I have a database of travelers I've met and I've included personal notes about each one (i.e. character, languages, hobbies)
        I have a sign up for this group which I would be sending info to as well as allowing them to search out other people they may know.
        I do not want certain feilds to be available to them such as the comments, notes, sex, age etc. How can I hide these feilds and keep them out of the website but remain in my database?

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    Name: EMail: WWW:

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    Message from edo on 8/4 2003, 15:15 +07:00
    EMail: WWW: //

    Re: SOS

      the story is like this :

      1. i already have the database 'Main'
      2. i want to create another one
      3. i created new database then click ENTER without fill its name...
      4. then my existing database 'Main' dissapeared (lost)

      since that is so important, can anybody help me pls..
      of course the administrator who has the authority to do that. Helpp...

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    Message from Christoph Bergmann on 8/15 2003, 14:51 +00:00

    Re: SOS (already made new one)

      Sorry for that. You should always enter a database name...
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