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    Message from Abby on 8/9 2003, 19:28 +00:00
    EMail: WWW:

    Re: Hidden Fields

      I tried your <do actions but nothing has changed. Can you review my scripting? This is exactly as I have it below:

      <do action=all databack=f0f0f0 datasize=1 headalign=middle headbold=1 headback=e0e0e0 border=0 spacing=2 padding=4 gridcolor=000000 dataface=verdana,arial,helvetica Name,Last Name,EMail,City,Country,Website sort^=First\ Name range^=0,10 pagebrowse=bottom buttonbrowse=top,bottom listtype=list listfields=Full\ Name,EMail,City,Country,Website input=link>

      <do action=all listfields=-Id,Comments,Age>

      <do action=all allfields=-Id,Comments,Age listfields=-Id, Comments, Age>

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    Name: EMail: WWW:

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    Message from Abby on 8/1 2003, 14:41 -05:00
    EMail: WWW:

    Hidden Fields

      I have a database of travelers I've met and I've included personal notes about each one (i.e. character, languages, hobbies)
        I have a sign up for this group which I would be sending info to as well as allowing them to search out other people they may know.
        I do not want certain feilds to be available to them such as the comments, notes, sex, age etc. How can I hide these feilds and keep them out of the website but remain in my database?
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    Message from Christoph Bergmann on 8/4 2003, 01:09 +01:00

    Re: Hidden Fields

      Try this:

      <do action=all listfields=-Id,Field1,Field2...etc.>

      and "Field1" and "Field2" won't be shown in the list output, add

      <do action=all allfields=-Id,Field1,Field2 listfields=-Id,Field1,Field2>

      and they won't be shown in the detail output as well...

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    Message from Abby on 8/9 2003, 19:28 +00:00
    EMail: WWW:

    Re: Hidden Fields

      I tried your <do actions but nothing has changed. Can you review my scripting? This is exactly as I have it below:

      <do action=all databack=f0f0f0 datasize=1 headalign=middle headbold=1 headback=e0e0e0 border=0 spacing=2 padding=4 gridcolor=000000 dataface=verdana,arial,helvetica Name,Last Name,EMail,City,Country,Website sort^=First\ Name range^=0,10 pagebrowse=bottom buttonbrowse=top,bottom listtype=list listfields=Full\ Name,EMail,City,Country,Website input=link>

      <do action=all listfields=-Id,Comments,Age>

      <do action=all allfields=-Id,Comments,Age listfields=-Id, Comments, Age>

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    Message from Christoph Bergmann on 8/15 2003, 16:50 +02:00

    Re: Hidden Fields

      You only need one <do action=all...> in your page, This should work:

      <do action=all databack=f0f0f0 datasize=1 headalign=middle headbold=1 headback=e0e0e0 border=0 spacing=2 padding=4 gridcolor=000000 dataface=verdana,arial,helvetica Name,Last Name,EMail,City,Country,Website sort^=First\ Name range^=0,10 pagebrowse=bottom buttonbrowse=top,bottom listtype=list listfields=Full\ Name,EMail,City,Country,Website allfields=Full\ Name,EMail,City,Country,Website input=link>

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