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    Message from xfce on 4/28 2010, 11:34 +00:00

    Re: Unique fields

      Unfortunately this no way to make the field unique.

      Its a workaround which only will work with the template it ist built in.

       >... can I change the ID field number to be a unique number of my choosing


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    Message from Lucas on 4/27 2010, 15:20 -06:00

    Unique fields

      How can I make a field unique?
      I want a user to enter a unique serial number. If a record already exists for that number, I don't want a new record created.
      Another approach, can I change the ID field number to be a unique number of my choosing instead of a sequentially assigned number?
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    Message from Claus on 4/28 2010, 10:46 +01:00

    Re: Unique fields

      if ($cmd eq "add")
      get "fieldname==$_put{fieldname}, "yourdatabase";
      if ($_amount_query > 0)
      out "yor message (entry existing or what ever you want)!";

      <do action=all .....parameter>




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    Message from xfce on 4/28 2010, 11:34 +00:00

    Re: Unique fields

      Unfortunately this no way to make the field unique.

      Its a workaround which only will work with the template it ist built in.

       >... can I change the ID field number to be a unique number of my choosing


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    Message from Claus on 4/28 2010, 15:22 +01:00

    Re: Unique fields

      a german adage means:

      "better a Sparrow in your hand, than a dove on the roof"...;)

      Free translation...


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    Message from xfce on 4/28 2010, 14:54 +00:00

    Re: Unique fields

      Can't see any sparrow. If you need a safe unique reference your approach is incomplete.

      In addition their is no solution in your posting to secure the unique reference in case of editing a record. The questioner should know this.
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    Message from xfce on 4/28 2010, 15:53 +00:00

    Re: Unique fields

      Strange context!
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    Message from Lucas on 5/7 2010, 10:35 -06:00

    Re: Unique fields

      I'm not very familiar with Perl or variables...
      How am I supposed to use the code you suggested?
      This is what I have:

      <do action=input>

      <do action=list listtype=add spacing=0

      <!-- verify serial is unique -->
      if ($cmd eq "add")
      get "Serial==$_put{Serial}", "Inspection";
      if ($_amount_query > 0)
      out "Serial Number Already Exists";

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    Message from xfce on 5/7 2010, 18:49 +00:00

    Re: Unique fields

       <!-- verify serial is unique -->
      if ($cmd eq "add")
       get "Serial==$_put{Serial}", "Inspection";
       if ($_amount_query > 0)
       out "Serial Number Already Exists";


       <do action=input>
      <do action=list listtype=add spacing=0 listfields=Serial,Model>

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    Message from Lucas on 5/7 2010, 12:57 -06:00

    Re: Unique fields

      Thanks. That displays the message correctly, but still adds the duplicate record to the database.
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    Message from Claus on 5/8 2010, 07:39 +01:00

    Re: Unique fields

      if ($cmd eq "add")
      get "Serial==$_put{Serial}", "Inspection";
      if ($_amount_query > 0)
       out "Serial Number Already Exists";


       <do action=input cmd=$cmd>
      <do action=list cmd=$cmd listtype=add spacing=0 listfields=Serial,Model>





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