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    Message from xfce on 2/14 2010, 10:37 +00:00

    Re: baseportal: Availability concerns

      You may contact for further Information.

      Claus is a user of this software and doesn't speak on behalf of the company.

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    Message from Catherine-Claire on 2/13 2010, 21:23 +00:00

    baseportal: Availability concerns

      Greetings Claus,
        I am Catherine-Claire. You may remember me from our former business relations during my considerable stint with Texas Instruments, Dallas, Texas. While I have a modicum of experience using your service with pleasure, I am currently attempting to assist a colleague in need of a gratis web-based, database provider which would allow for multiple, secure, off-site management and editing. My desire to endorse to this medium sized, Mexico-based party is pre-empted by my concerns regarding its stability and availability. Can you offer me any assurances their company could depend on consistency, availability and reliability for end-users of very limited database skills? Or perhaps, with all things considered, advice as to whether your service would be a suitable solution for this company? And lastly, I would ask that you please educate me on the current status of your company and this particular software. Its progression, maintenance and most recent update(s).
      Thanking you in advance,
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    Message from xfce on 2/14 2010, 10:37 +00:00

    Re: baseportal: Availability concerns

      You may contact for further Information.

      Claus is a user of this software and doesn't speak on behalf of the company.

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