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    Message from krauth on 7/25 2003, 07:30 +00:00

    Re: date query...

      i played around for a while... i think the now word is not working properly...

      if i try:

      out date("now", "long");

      the output is:
      Sunday, December 0, 0, 00:00 +00:00

      which is fine... except that i never heard about the 0th of december... :-)

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    Message from krauth on 7/25 2003, 16:44 +10:00

    date query...

      [... out of docu ...]
      Query for the current date
      With the word "now", the current date can be recalled.
      Finds all the entries with a date in the future.
      [... end docu ...]

      in my case this does not match todays date... so i tryed Date>=now... does not work...

      i thaught the reason might be that you are using the server date... and i'm soooo far away...

      anyway i tried this:

      [... docu ...]
      "Relative" queries for the past and the future
      Starting from the current date, you can search for points in time in the past or in the future:
      Finds all entries, that are 14 days old, at the most.
      [... end ...]

      and there is no result at all... no match... nada... zilch...

      whats going on? did anyone use this bevore?
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    Message from krauth on 7/25 2003, 07:30 +00:00

    Re: date query...

      i played around for a while... i think the now word is not working properly...

      if i try:

      out date("now", "long");

      the output is:
      Sunday, December 0, 0, 00:00 +00:00

      which is fine... except that i never heard about the 0th of december... :-)

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    Message from Christoph Bergmann on 7/26 2003, 00:14 +01:00

    Re: date query...

      Thanks again for bug hunting ;-)

      Now "now" works... ;-)
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    Message from krauth on 7/29 2003, 17:24 +10:00

    Re: date query...

      are you shure?

      i tried:

      out date("now", "long");

      and got:
      Sunday, December 0, 0, 00:00 +00:00

      you should not work so much after midnight...

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    Message from Christoph Bergmann on 7/29 2003, 16:16 +01:00

    Re: date query...

      Oops, I fixed it in a test version and forgot to copy it back to the running version...

      But NOW.... ;-))
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    Message from franz on 7/30 2003, 12:37 +10:00
    EMail: krauth

    Re: date query...


      Wednesday, July 30, 2003, 02:30 +00:00 is the output i got from

      out date("now", "long");
      now now does something good... i love it!!

      but - if i try this:

      get "when>=now", "events";


      it does not match a date (in when) whith contains:

      Wednesday, 30.July.2003, 0:00

      probably my fault... but i can not find it...


      by the way...

      did you see that:
      Thursday, 5.August.2003, 15:30
      Thursday, 7.August.2003, 11:00

      fifth of august will be a tuesday! (hopefuly...)

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    Message from Christoph Bergmann on 7/30 2003, 23:33 +01:00

    Re: date query...

      > Thursday, 5.August.2003, 15:30

      yep, another bug ;-) I wonder if the date is working 100% some day... (now 5th august = tuesday)

      > it does not match a date (in when) whith contains:

      when i clicked on: "to see old events click: ALL" i didnt found an entry from 30th of august...!?

      PS: where are you from? is "franz krauth" your real name? ;-))
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    Message from franz on 8/1 2003, 18:23 +10:00

    Re: date query...

      together we will make it work onece... i promise!! :-))

      there is no entry from 30th of august... why should i have an entry form 30th of august? what happens on this date?? do i miss something????

      yeah... my true and real name... i am from germany... living in sydeny at the moment... studying aplication development... i should consider a carrier in the test area :-)

      plenty of fun with this name at native english borders... krauth and 'the krauts'
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    Message from Christoph Bergmann on 8/4 2003, 01:06 +01:00

    Re: date query...

      > together we will make it work onece... i promise!! :-))

      yeah, I'll promise too ,-)

      > there is no entry from 30th of august... why should i have an entry form 30th of august? what happens on this date?? do i miss something????

      my fault - you wrote "it does not match a date (in when) whith contains: Wednesday, 30.July.2003"... but there is no 30th of july in your database as well...!?

      you are from germany? from which town? and your real name is "Franz Krauth" ?? strange... ;-)
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    Message from krauth on 8/5 2003, 23:34 +10:00
    EMail: WWW:

    Re: date query...

      its because i had some apecial testdata and i deleted them... if you want to test it feel free to add some new data with the actual date...

      why is franz krauth strange??? come on... ok ok... there is another name between... its franz martin krauth... sounds better??

      i'm born in heidelberg... my home was stuttgart the last 5 years... but i had another flat in koeln... you know that live... software projects...

      then i decided that it is time to travel the world again - and i went to australia to by a vw kombi (called vw-bus in german...) and drove it around the entire kontinent... (have a look at:
      then - back in sydney - ten days bevore my ticket was due - i met this girl... we are living together now... who knows what happens next...
      where is your place?
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