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    Message from Quimby on 7/17 2003, 04:24 +00:00

    Is BasePortal what I need?

      I want to find a free block of HTML code that will let me paste it into my existing site code and have a "Password registration and log-in" feature.

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    Message from ethel on 7/18 2003, 01:39 +00:00

    ask help

      Once again I want to ask your help regarding the project I am going to develop.Maybe it looks like a Message Board but its more flexible than that.It allows many users but the answer to the queries should be address to the one assigned to answer.Is this possible if I'm going to use baseportal?
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    Message from Christoph Bergmann on 7/21 2003, 21:20 +01:00

    Re: ask help

      > Is this possible if I'm going to use baseportal?

      Yes, everything is possible with baseportal because you it is freely programable. But, depending on what exactly you want, you will need more or less programming abilities...

      Where this message board can help is: find bugs in the code you wrote or give you ideas about the direction to go - but you won't find someone you will programm a complete application for you for free ;-)
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