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    Message from User on 8/21 2009, 00:58 +00:00

    Re: How to Disable Delete Link?

      Is there a way to disable the delete rights to only certain users using the management tool?

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    Message from User on 11/12 2007, 06:16 +00:00

    How to Disable Delete Link?

      Anybody have any tips on how to disable the delete link? Only delete - I want modify to remain. I want the user to be able to update a record, but not delete it. Any help would be most appreciated.

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    Message from Sander on 11/12 2007, 13:14 +00:00

    Re: How to Disable Delete Link?

      You can't disable the delete link without disable modify link but you can avoid the delete action.

      put the following code at the beginning of the template

      if($_get{cmd} eq "del"){
      out "Your are not allowed...";


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    Message from User on 11/12 2007, 17:42 +00:00

    Re: How to Disable Delete Link?

      Great, that worked fine. Thanks!
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    Message from Randy on 11/21 2007, 16:06 +00:00

    Re: How to Disable Delete Link?

      I copied and pasted the below information in the "intorduction" pane in templets. It did not work for me. What did I do wrong...

      if($_get{cmd} eq "del"){out "Your are not allowed...";$_get{cmd}="";}<perl>

      Understand I donot know the html language well at all but would like to disable the "del" on user inputs.

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    Message from Guest on 11/21 2007, 22:31 +00:00

    Re: How to Disable Delete Link?

      the second <perl> should have been </perl>
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    Message from Randy on 11/21 2007, 23:31 +00:00

    Re: How to Disable Delete Link?

      Thanks, that did it, working great...
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    Message from User on 8/20 2009, 01:06 +00:00

    Re: How to Disable Delete Link?

      This solution does not seem to work anymore. Has something changed?
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    Message from Sander on 8/20 2009, 11:06 +00:00

    Re: How to Disable Delete Link?

      normally it should work...
      but now we have version 3 online, you can disable the rights by clicking management -> Database rights.
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    Message from User on 8/21 2009, 00:58 +00:00

    Re: How to Disable Delete Link?

      Is there a way to disable the delete rights to only certain users using the management tool?

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    Message from Sander on 8/21 2009, 12:32 +00:00

    Re: How to Disable Delete Link?

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