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    Message from Maggy on 8/28 2007, 16:13 +00:00

    Re: Date field

      I tried to get rid of this timezone stuff by trial and error mode because I can not find any documentation about this anywhere on the site, nor any related topics here.
      Now the field is no longer showing up in the entry form at all, it does show up in the card but as -- (empty)

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    Message from Israel on 8/17 2007, 16:22 +03:00

    Date field

      We have a problem with the date field.

      It automatically fills in the current date. I defined a date field for the date when people leave our shelter however it fills in the current date when the record is created and people are admitted into the shelter. The result is that the record incorrectly states that the person has left the shelter on the same day that they arrived.

      We need a blank date option in the date field with the option to set it as the default.
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    Message from Maggy on 8/28 2007, 15:55 +00:00

    Re: Date field

      I too have a problem with the date field, actually even two. I created a date field but on my form it shows up as a timezone field. And when I submit the form, it automatically fills in today's date
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    Message from Maggy on 8/28 2007, 16:13 +00:00

    Re: Date field

      I tried to get rid of this timezone stuff by trial and error mode because I can not find any documentation about this anywhere on the site, nor any related topics here.
      Now the field is no longer showing up in the entry form at all, it does show up in the card but as -- (empty)

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