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    Message from krauth on 7/4 2003, 12:59 +10:00

    bug in application template

      the english message board application template is using german field names - leads to unvisible data...

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    Message from Barb on 7/7 2003, 11:40 -06:00


      I have added the HTML Code to my site.
      but none of the fields show.
      Do I need to do something to the HTML for
      it to be able to work and for other too
      see it when they visit my website.
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    Message from Christoph Bergmann on 7/9 2003, 19:48 +01:00

    Re: HTML CODE?

      You cannot use baseportal tags on YOUR web page - you have to use baseportal which converts them into the database output.

      This means: Copy the HTML code of your desired web page into the input form of a page on baseportal and there insert the baseportal tags, ig.

      <do action=all db=yourdatabase>

      Then link to this page (at baseportal) from your page. Thats it...

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    Message from Trudy on 8/24 2003, 12:36 +00:00
    EMail: WWW:

    Re: HTML CODE?

      I have seen previous questions that your response hints at the answer I need but I still dont quite understand. When i click on the baseport link for my database it says page cannot be displayed. I put the html code for my website page in baseports edit html area, but still not sure how to put my database link into it sice the link goes nowhere. Not even sure I am communicating my problem clearly enough for you to answer me. It almost seems to not be very frindly to non-html experts. HELP!
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