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    Message from shallowboy on 9/22 2002, 05:35 +00:00
    EMail: WWW:

    .wav sound files

      If I sign up for this free web site im going to want to be able to upload some .wav sound files becuase the one im currently with will not allow me to. So I am thinking of moving to another host but I want to keep the web hosting free since the site is a small personal information site. But before I move I need to know if I will be able to upload .wav sound files for use on the site. So my question is, does baseportal support .wav sound files? Any information on this subject would be greatful. Thankyou.

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    Message from Jeremy on 9/24 2002, 20:34 +00:00
    EMail: WWW:

    Can I rely on baseportal for the long run?

      I love what you are doing here. I work with many small businesses and non-profits in the US, and this tool is something I would love to use for just about everything to manage a web site. As I ponder my clients needs and current web site uses, this tool would greatly aid in the content management process for many of them.

      How can I assure my clients that once we set up a 'free' system, it will not start charging $10,000 for a licensing fee? If that were to happen, I would lose my clients. I am sure you can understand the need to know the future of this product.

      I also wonder about support. Is it just this message board? I do not mind that, but I would like to know I can count on it for communication and assistance.

      A few other questions....

      Will this only run on your web servers?
      Is it possible to run on my server?
      If so, what platform/OS is this made for?

      I look forward to hearing back from you. This really is a great solution for people!

      Jeremy Bloom
      Web Producer
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    Message from Sander on 9/25 2002, 00:07 +00:00

    Re: Can I rely on baseportal for the long run?

      Hi Jeremy

      >> How can I assure my clients that once we set up a 'free' system, it will not start charging $10,000 for a licensing fee? If that were to happen, I would lose my clients. I am sure you can understand the need to know the future of this product

      Please read
      In Germany ( this system runs since July 2000 as a free service. since June/July 2002 it is powered by advertising. for this time you can buy a baseportal-licence (no adds), which runs on your host (linux). this version is in german, in the future it will be available in english. aditionally baseportal/germany cooperates with several isp. You can rent webspace + domain + baseportal. This version on this server will be free forever ;-)

      >> I also wonder about support. Is it just this message board? I do not mind that, but I would like to know I can count on it for communication and assistance.

      Yes it is. look at the board in germany. there are only few threads without answers but a great number of questions.

      >> Will this only run on your web servers?
      Is it possible to run on my server?

      in the future

      >> If so, what platform/OS is this made for?

      linux,unix/perl (mod_perl recommend)
      windows/perl (instable)

      I hope you understand my english ;-)

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