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    Message from Sander on 9/23 2002, 00:05 +00:00

    Re: .wav sound files

      fileupload isn't possible because you get not webspace. you can only store a link to a file hosted by someone else

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    Message from shallowboy on 9/22 2002, 05:35 +00:00
    EMail: WWW:

    .wav sound files

      If I sign up for this free web site im going to want to be able to upload some .wav sound files becuase the one im currently with will not allow me to. So I am thinking of moving to another host but I want to keep the web hosting free since the site is a small personal information site. But before I move I need to know if I will be able to upload .wav sound files for use on the site. So my question is, does baseportal support .wav sound files? Any information on this subject would be greatful. Thankyou.
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    Message from Sander on 9/23 2002, 00:05 +00:00

    Re: .wav sound files

      fileupload isn't possible because you get not webspace. you can only store a link to a file hosted by someone else

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