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    Message from Christoph Bergmann on 6/11 2003, 15:52 +01:00

    Re: Getting the hang of things now

      > I hope you get more of your existing examples translated soon.

      Yes, this will come soon... But I hope the documentation is of use as well - and if you try sth. and have problems you'll always get help here at the message board.

      Banners: Someday somehow we need to make money with ;-) But we are a very friendly firm and it works very well in the german version ;-) You can see how the banners are included on a page here:

      which is a baseportal application on the free german server in english (the banner is in german). But it will take months before we will put banners on pages... There will be different rental versions but the prices will start at about $5 / month.

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    Message from Millers on 6/6 2003, 15:19 +00:00
    EMail: WWW:

    Where's the library?

      Hi baseportal folks (Chris in particular)!
      Fantastic service you are providing. Just what I've been looking for over the last few years.

      I hope you are getting enough paying customers not to be considering the naff banner option that gets a mention a few times in your info!? It would be a real shame, especially if it proved to be the 'pop-up' banner rubbish that is about and I'm sure you would see potential customers disappearing in droves.

      Anyway... my main query, for now, is a simple one. Where is the baseportal 'library' of stuff that keeps getting mentioned?
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    Message from Millers on 6/6 2003, 21:35 +00:00
    EMail: WWW:

    Found it now...

      ...didn't realise you had to log in to see it.

      One suggestion that I'm sure many of your visitors (potential customers) would enjoy, I'm sure, is to have a whole host of sample applications to lift ideas from. This could range from simple one or two page applications to full relational database linking applications performing a whole range of database updates (add, amend, delete). In my opinion, you can't have enough of these when you get started on something new. It's a one-off thing for you to put together and could well convert many more casual browsers into paying customers for you.

      The inital demos you have are great, as far as they go, but it's hard to get going with something really useful unless you can see how things start to fit together... for real.

      Initially, I'm struggling to grasp how the updates of databases from the screens fit together with the navigation from screen to screen, particularly with linked database files.

      Any comments/suggestions for this?
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    Message from Christoph Bergmann on 6/9 2003, 14:52 +01:00

    Re: Found it now...

      > One suggestion...

      Sure you are right: Nothing is better than examples to learn from... We have more than 100 entries in the lib in the german version - the problem is they need to be translated, otherwise they wouldn't be of much use...

      > Initially, I'm struggling to grasp how the updates of databases from the screens fit together with the navigation from screen to screen, particularly with linked database files.

      I don't understand exactly what you want to do: Could you paste pieces of your code and try to explain it in a different way?
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    Message from Millers on 6/11 2003, 09:42 +00:00
    EMail: WWW:

    Getting the hang of things now

      Simple, small example applications would have made the learning process a lot quicker. I hope you get more of your existing examples translated soon.

      I've mentioned this before, but I really hope you don't feel you need to go down the banner route with your service. If your rental cost is low enough I'm sure you will get enough sign-ups to compensate... me included. I think I read it somewhere on the forum, but do you have an idea of when the rental version will be available in English and how much it is likely to be?
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    Message from Christoph Bergmann on 6/11 2003, 15:52 +01:00

    Re: Getting the hang of things now

      > I hope you get more of your existing examples translated soon.

      Yes, this will come soon... But I hope the documentation is of use as well - and if you try sth. and have problems you'll always get help here at the message board.

      Banners: Someday somehow we need to make money with ;-) But we are a very friendly firm and it works very well in the german version ;-) You can see how the banners are included on a page here:

      which is a baseportal application on the free german server in english (the banner is in german). But it will take months before we will put banners on pages... There will be different rental versions but the prices will start at about $5 / month.

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    Message from jackie on 6/12 2003, 20:01 +00:00
    EMail: ogan WWW:

    Re: Getting the hang of things now

      how do i send a pics to my website
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    Message from Christoph Bergmann on 6/17 2003, 13:33 +01:00

    Re: Getting the hang of things now

      With the free version of baseportal you cannot upload pics. You need a place somewhere else and include sth. like

      <img src="http://somewhereelse.../pic.gif">

      in your field. This works.

      With the rental and purchase versions there is an easy way to upload files and pics.

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