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    Message from Allan on 9/19 2002, 02:26 +00:00

    Ich spreche Deutsch nicht...I have a question.

      I have a question. Is this website a money making scam?????? Be honest now. Did you have to pay anything? I want a free forum for a church and can't pay anything. I can't afford to pay bills to use this site.

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    Message from Barry Fitzgerald on 9/20 2002, 16:20 +00:00

    associating database to page

      I'm a new user of baseportal. So please excuse my ignorance. The first hurdles always seem the highest. I have successfully set up a database and general page which works. I am now trying to set up additional pages. Although all files are in the same (main)directory I cannot get any of my new pages to access the database. I notice when I look at the setting of the page it says "(No associated database available)". I have tried <db=database> with no success. I know it's something very simple can some please put me out of my misery.
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    Message from Barry Fitzgerald on 9/20 2002, 17:52 +00:00

    Re: associating database to page

      I seem to have solved my proble. I dont know how/why buts now it's working
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    Message from Christoph Bergmann on 10/1 2002, 01:48 +00:00

    Re: associating database to page

      Albeit that you found a solution already, I would like to answer the question:

      Normally a page is associated with the database with the _same name_. The tag...

      <do action=all> the template "test" would operate on the database "test". If you want to use different pages operating with one database you have to use the "db"-parameter:

      <do action=all db=users>

      would operate on the database "users" in whatever template (in the same directory) this is used...

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